Product made of 5 mm polyethylene Isolmant joined on both side to FIBTEC XF3 (special needle-worked fibre produced according to
specifications designed to provide a better noise reduction). Product with overlaps. Thickness 12 mm.
Isolmant Polimuro is conceived for the acoustic insulation of vertical partitions between different housing units, with small air gaps (2 to 3 cm) between the two boards that make them up. Isolmant Polimuro must be fastened to the vertical partition, at the connection between wall and ceiling using plastic fasteners thermal panels type) or by fastening a The special overlapping fabric ensures that the product remains in place during installation.
• Can be used both in renovation and in new buildings;
• High airborne acoustic insulation;
• High thermal insulation thermal conductivity;
• Unalterable over time;
• Unlimited duration.
• Contact with water does not compromise performance or characteristics;
• Resistant to mould or insects;
• Easy to install;
• Hinged product for easier installation on site.
• Volatile Organic Compounds free(VOC A+);
• Contributes to achieve credits for the environmental certification of a building according to LEED or ITACA standards;
• Complies with the requirements defined by the Italian CAM Edilizia for acoustic and thermal insulation materials regarding the request for high acoustic insulation performance, the percentage of recycled material and the absence of hazardous substances.
Isolmant Polimuro is an insulating layer that consists of rolls of reticulated expanded closed-cell polyethylene joined on both sides with a needleworked fibre that is conceived to enhance the acoustic performance (type Isolmant Polimuro). Product with overlaps. Density 30 kg/m3 approx. Nominal thickness 12 mm.
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